Meet Our Staff

Justin Ahlgrim
Senior Pastor
Ordained in the Christian & Missionary Alliance, Justin Ahlgrim graduated from Bethel College, Indiana with a B.A. in Biblical Studies. Justin has served in vocational ministry for the past 14 years: as Associate Pastor for Lombard Bible Church for 4 years, and Senior Pastor the past 4 years. Justin has a passion for pointing people to the love of Jesus & loving Him and others. Justin is married to Deb Ahlgrim and together they have four children: Amelia, Logan, Graham, and Peter.

Rob Gallagher
Teaching Pastor
Ordained in CRC Churches International (Australia) and C&MA (USA), Dr. Rob Gallagher served at Wheaton College Graduate School for 22 years as Chair & Professor Emeritus of Intercultural Studies. Rob has pastored churches in Wollongong, NSW, Australia, and Wheaton. Rob has been married to his wife Jayna for 17 years. They have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. Rob’s hope is that spiritually searching people will find the living Jesus as their Savior & Lord and he is excited about cooperating with the Spirit of Jesus in encouraging believers towards biblical maturity in word & deed.

Cindy Fogal
Children's Minister
My name is Cindy Fogal. I live in Glen Ellyn with my sister, Sandy, who also attends Lombard Bible Church. I attended and graduated from Crown College in Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood. Since graduation, I have worked in various preschools, summer camp programs for school aged children and was a nanny for several different families over the years. I have attended Lombard Bible Church since 1982. I have served in several ministries here at LBC - bell choir, Sunday School and Kid's Church ministries, women's ministry director and Christmas Expressions director. I have a passion for children - watching them grow both physically and spiritually. I want them to see my Lord and Savior and become like Him too.

Lisa Hurlburt
Office Administrator
My name is Lisa Hurlburt and I am a lifelong Lombardian! I met my husband in college while pursuing an Early Childhood Ed degree and have been married for 34 years with 4 children. I have served in Awana, taught Sunday school and been a youth group leader for over 18 years. I am currently serving on LBC’s Outreach team, Nursery, Kids Church and of course Youth Group! I am enjoying being a grandparent to 3 kids and love to garden, sew and build things. I have enjoyed the new opportunity of working in an office and am passionate about serving God in whatever way I can.

Pam Covall
Worship Leader
Pam studied music and communications at Greenville College and Olivet Nazarene University. She has attended Lombard Bible church with her parents, sisters and grandparents for her entire life. Pam has been involved in many ministries at LBC, currently she serves as a deaconess, as a leader of Experience Young Adults, and as an assistant worship leader. She is passionate about building community and equipping the church to walk with God, specifically via music, learning and serving.

Greg Greene
Worship Leader
Greg graduated from College of DuPage with an Associates Degree in Music. Has been attending Lombard Bible Church since 1979 and has been actively involved in the music ministries of the church most of those years. Married to his wife Cathy 33 years and has 4 children. The oldest is married and involved in ministry in California and the other 3 attend Hope International University.

Marilyn Oquendo
Spanish Ministry
Marilyn Oquendo gave her life to the Lord when she was a teenager. Marilyn has a Masters Degree in Divinity. She ministered in Puerto Rico for 14 years, in part, as a Senior Pastor. Since 2017, she resides in the state of Illinois with her husband Omar and her 2 children Jeriel and Abdel. In 2019 she served as an Interim Pastor in Chicago. She is currently a member of Lombard Bible Church where she leads a Bible Study for Spanish speakers and she is also the LBC Family Minister

Dr. Gene Smillie
Adult Education
Gene coordinates the adult classes that meet at 9am on Sunday mornings. From a new or old testament book study to a women’s class or a Spanish-speaking class, topics may vary. Gene & his wife Susan first became members at LBC in 1985. They served as theological educators both with the C & M A overseas in Europe and in Africa, and in several Chicago-land universities. They also pastored several Alliance churches through the years, and have been back at Lombard Bible Church again since 2008. They have three grown sons.

Randy Ahlgrim
Senior Connections
Randy Ahlgrim is a long time resident of Lombard since 1961. He is a retired firefighter/paramedic with Addison Fire Dist. He and his wife Barbara have been members of the church for nearly 40 years. He and his wife were married at LBC in 1978 and raised their 4 children here. Randy has served in many capacities at the church including Jr. High Youth Group leader, Sr. High Youth Group leader, Kid's Club leader, Deacon, Elder, and Sound Technician. Recently, he has also been leading the Senior's Connection each month.