Have you ever felt pressured to make choices that don’t align with your values? As the world’s values continue to drift, you need to be equipped with the resources to handle whatever life throws at you. In the Unbreakable series based on the life of Daniel, you’ll discover how to handle life’s most difficult situations. The principles that guided Daniel through precarious life choices will help you learn how to respond when you feel pressured to make wrong choices, want to thrive in a hostile environment, succeed when you’re asked to do the impossible, and stand strong for God.
Messages include:
When God Tests You With Success
Are You Learning From Those Who Came Before You?
Will You Stand Strong for God Publicly?
Easter Sermon Series- The Hope of Easter
Could you use more hope in your life?
Hope is a beautiful word and a powerful force. It encourages us, motivates us, gives us purpose and impacts the course of our lives. We hope for many things, but hopes aren’t always realized.
There is, however, another type of hope that never disappoints—this is the hope of Easter.
Come discover the hope found in the good news that Jesus freely offers his love, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life—and it all has to do with a world-changing event that took place over 2,000 years ago. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, you’ll discover how those who believe are changed forever.
These Sermon Series will continue after Easter
Unbreakable: No matter what hits you
Listen to LBC messages HERE
Have you ever felt pressured to make choices that don’t align with your values? As the world’s values continue to drift, you need to be equipped with the resources to handle whatever life throws at you. In the Unbreakable series based on the life of Daniel, you’ll discover how to handle life’s most difficult situations. The principles that guided Daniel through precarious life choices will help you learn how to respond when you feel pressured to make wrong choices, want to thrive in a hostile environment, succeed when you’re asked to do the impossible, and stand strong for God.
Messages include:
When Your World is Shaken Up
When You're Pressured to Conform
When Your Beliefs are Belittled
When You're Asked to Do the Impossible
When the Heat is On
In this series, the Pastor preached about the vision and values of Lombard Bible Church. If you missed it, you can listen to the sermons on this site.