There are a variety of ways that LBC is involved in the community. If you are current church member or someone visiting us for the first time, we have plenty of opportunities to serve not only within the city of Lombard but throughout the Chicagoland area as well.
Lombard Bible Church has partnered with KIDS HOPE USA to help provide mentoring to at risk kids in the local elementary school system. We believe that the supportive, healthy relationships formed between mentors and mentees are both immediate and long-term and contribute to a host of benefits for both the mentors and mentees.
Benefits for youth:
Increased school graduation rates
Lower school dropout rates
Healthier relationships and lifestyle choices
Better attitude about school
Higher college enrollment rates and higher educational aspirations
Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence
Improved behavior, both at home and at school
Stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers
Improved interpersonal skills
Decreased likelihood of initiating drug and alcohol use
We rely on volunteers from the church to participate as mentors. If you are interested in being a mentor contact Pastor Justin at justin@lbccma.org
DuPage Pads
Members of Lombard Bible Church volunteer on a monthly basis with an organization known as PADS - Public Action to Provide Shelter. Every Tuesday, DuPage Pads provides an opportunity to reach out to the homeless over at First Church of Lombard and LBC helps out on the 4th Tuesday of each month. For more detailed information on how to be a part of this ministry, click the link below:
Feed My Starving Children
Members of LBC consistently serve with the organization Feed My Starving Children. For more information on what FMSC does or to learn when the next service opportunity is with FMSC, contact our office. To learn more about FMSC, click here
Local Missions
The youth at LBC are always looking for ways to serve the surrounding community. In the past, the youth have done yardwork, house cleaning, painting, and outreach at local community centers. For more information on what the next service opportunity is, contact Pastor Justin.
Community Outreach - Networking Opportunities
The Manufacturing Fellowship Group (MFG) started in mid-2001 and meets on the last Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 9 pm in the Fireside Room. The mission of this group is to establish and maintain professional networking relationships among a group of more than 300 members. The activities center around exchanging business and employment leads as well as providing job hunting advice to those who have recently become unemployed. Contact Larry Myers for more information 630.207.7297.